Phil and I enjoyed the first few weeks of the Christmas holidays in t-shirts, shorts, and warm enough days to walk along the beach. After moving into our new house on December 1st, we quickly decorated the tree and started Christmas festivities, including an annual tradition we are starting with making a homemade gingerbread house. After school got out, we enjoyed visiting friends and family in Atlanta, North Carolina, and Virginia. Silly me didn't take any pictures in North Carolina or Virginia, but we did see Phil's side of the family. The highlight of Christmas was giving the Purdy family, well the boys, their Wii. Jack had written a letter to the tooth ferry in the Fall of '07, asking for the tooth fairy to leave him a Wii and to just put it "outside his bedroom door." Well the tooth fairy came-in the form of Santa, a few months later. This picture of the boys is not posed, just perfectly captured.
After leaving Georgia on Christmas Eve, we made our way up 85 and spent several days visiting Phil's parents. And shortly after that, we went to Virginia to visit Freddie's family and then Chris' family. It was exhausting. In 10 days, we traveled through 6 states, slept in 4 different beds, and were ready to get back home to Florida.
We got back home on the 30th and enjoyed our "first Christmas" together and opened Christmas presents. Phil gave me a gift card to the spa, some Nike shoes, and scrapbooking supplies. He enjoyed his new briefcase, some "spending money," a few giftcards, and some new clothes. We were able to spend this Christmas with lots of family and friends and even were able to start some traditions of our own.