I realize the title of this post is an oxymoron, but it is truly how I feel. I am always so excited when Nolan discovers something new-his thumbs, his hands, the ability to hold and grasp small objects-and I am always ready to see what he will do next. But at the same time, it is going by WAY too fast. I don't want him to grow up so fast that, in a blink of an eye, it is all over. The above picture of him is at 3 months. Like all moms, I think he is just the cutest thing ever.
Nolan can't get enough of his Bumbo chair. He loves to sit in it and watch Baby Einstein movies. And as you can tell from this picture, he can even fall asleep in it. But most of all, he loves to sit in it while we eat dinner at the dinner table. He will just laugh and talk to us while we eat. And it is obvious he is getting interested in food because he follows our forks and glasses as they go to our mouths. We have renamed his Bumbo chair his pooping chair. Without a doubt, 100% of the time, he takes a big poop in it. He is quickly outgrowing it as he is starting to use his weight to push himselp up and back. Before long, he'll be on the move and this chair will be a thing of the past.
Nolan absolutely LOVES his toy time. With our very busy schedules, Phil and I make the most of every moment in the evening. We spend our time eating, bathing, and playing "toy time." We get on the bed and play with all of Nolan's toys. He loves his Winkel and Baby Einstein music maker. He also really likes when I shake the rain stick. I think this is our favorite time with Nolan. He is so interactive with us and his toys and just smiles and drools the entire time.
Nolan got his first cold and fever right around 4 months old. He had a 102 temperature and a terrible case of coughing and sneezing. He was fever free within 24 hours, to which I think has a lot to do with nursing. Poor baby slept and slept and slept. He would wake up and eat enough to fall right back asleep. It was so sad to see him cough and sneeze so much, but I did enjoy all the extra snuggle time with him.
I can't believe Nolan is 4 months. So what exactly are you up to these days?
*You weigh 15.8 pounds (50%) and are 25 inches long.
*You love to suck your fingers and thumb (mostly your right).
*You are very close to rolling from your back to your stomach. You are halfway there.
*EVERYBODY comments on what a happy baby you are. You smile a lot.
*You want to be interacted with all the time.
*You are an excellent sleeper and now sleeping in your crib.
*Even when you are upset, you don't cry much.
*You EAT all the time. You want to nurse about every 2 hours, but somehow you don't wake up at night to eat.
*You are reaching out for objects.
*You went from hating your boucer to now enjoying it. You weigh enough to make it bounce yourself.
*You are showing interest in foods and it won't be long until mommy is making your foods.
*You are holding on to the side of your bottle, wanting to try to hold it yourself.
*You love raising your legs up in the air.
*You are holding your head up and almost able to sit up with little support.
*You still LOVE bathtime with daddy.
*You love toy time at night and want as much time with mommy and daddy as possible.
Nolan, you are a blessing in our lives and we thank God for you everyday. We love that you are such a happy, content, and loving baby.