On April 6th, we went in for our monthly appointment. I was 14w3d. Phew. Past my first trimester and hoping to hear the heartbeat on the Doppler. Once again, we were greeted by the friendly nurse and once we got back in the hallway, we saw our doctor. "Want to try to find out the sex of the baby today?" my doctor asked me. I chuckled and said, "Dr. Graham, I'm only 14 weeks, how is that possible?" She just smiled and said, "well, I think we have a shot." I will NEVER turn down the opportunity to see our baby. This was just supposed to be a routine appointment where they take a urine sample, check weight and blood pressure, and check for the heartbeat externally with a Doppler. But we hit the jackpot. We got much more at that appontment than originally planned.
Phil and I had a bet going on. Not about if it was a boy or girl. But about finding out the sex of the baby at this appointment. I told him we wouldn't find out because we were just have a standard OB appointment(and technically we shouldn't have found out until our appointment in May). But my doctor was in a good mood, we have a great rapport with her, and I was her last patient before lunch (and the flattering letter I wrote her after meeting her in March probably didn't hurt either). God continues to surprise me with the unexpected and we were so excited to have that ultrasound. Yes, we had a bet going on-and he won. We did find out (unexpectedly) at our appointment. Dr. Grahman is 90% sure we're having a BOY!! I mean, it wasn't that hard to tell. There was definitely skin between the legs. Not to mention Phil has 2 brothers and on his side of the family, and we only have nephews-so far. Heather, one of my SIL's is pregnant with her 3rd child and will soon be finding out what she is having...my bet is a girl. Anyway, we are having a son. And once again, we got another ultrasound picture to add to the growing collection sitting on the nightstand.
It took awhile for it to set in. Like a few days. I had had a feeling it was a boy for a few weeks. And Phil talked like she was a girl, so I had already been dreaming about pink and everything girl-even though I like all of the boy clothing and accessories we had seen window shopping. But the most important thing was that we had a healthy growing baby up to this point. That is what made me happy. By the end of the week, I couldn't imagine not having a boy-it just seemed to fit. And babysitting a 7 week little boy for 2 days in a row was a big help in getting used to the idea of having a little boy.
Every night Phil prays for our son. Up until now, he prayed for Hannah because he was 99.9% sure it was a girl. For the past 3 months he puts his hand on my belly every night and morning and prays for our child-that he will continue growing and be healthy through this entire pregnancy. He prays that I will remain healthy and that we will carry him full term. Phil is so positive. He has so much faith and trust. He often holds me together when I think everything is going wrong. He prays a lot. And for that, I am very thankful. He had since had to quit praying for Hannah and has started praying for Nolan. We are naming our son Nolan Douglass. It is special to us as it is both of our middle names put together.
Remember that bet I told you about? The bet Phil won, but should have lost? Well, since he won the bet he got to have his favorite meal, Highway 98 bbq. Yuk. Too spicy for me. Can't eat it, even though my friend and school lunchroom manager, Nicole, owns the restaurant.
We haven't run off to the store to buy anything blue just yet. We're waiting for our 18 week appointment. We're waiting for that other 10% to make sure he really is a boy. Even though we already know it. Nolan, we love you so much already!!
1 comment:
You guys are in our thoughts and prayers and now we can say Nolan when we pray for your family.
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