August has kept us on our toes for sure. I went back to work at the beginning of August and the kids came back the 2nd week. I thought going back to work would be easy, but was I wrong. While I am very thankful that the majority of this pregnancy has been easy, I have now entered the painful part. Everything hurts! I feel like a rolly polly, the soft sweet kicks have turned to painful jabs, and good consistent sleep in non-existent! I must say that I am a very lucky pregnant lady, as Phil as gone above and beyond taking care of me!
The 2nd day of school started off rather interesting. I got up to get ready for work and I noticed a little bit of spotting at 33 weeks exactly. After I got to work, I called my doctor and they told me to go to L&D. I was reluctant to go, but with a strong push from the nurse a text to Phil letting him know I was on the way, I found myself making my first trip to L&D. I wasn't too nervous, because I thought the spotting was a result of being on my feet so much. Phil and I confusingly tried to get me into the hospital gown and before long I was hooked up to the monitor. The nurses monitored Nolan's HB and everything checked out fine. The best part was when Phil "talked" to Nolan through my stomach. The baby would immediately respond by kicking and his HR would spike. Before I was released and sent back to work, the nurse came in one last time and told me I was the "winner" of a cervical check. My first one, and I naively said, "ok." Um, OW! And the nurse expected me to "relax" through it. And to think, I have lots more of these to look forward to. Their assessment of the light spotting was exactly what I figured it was-too much standing. I was told to sit down more...at work, where I teach all day long. Well, I went back to work, but I will admit, I have been using my rolling chair a lot more!
At this point, the goal is to work until the end of September. I'm working about 52 hours a week between teaching and tutoring and will tutor through maternity leave. I think I will go back to work the 2nd week of December. Phil has been at his new job, M. Lynch for over a month and has his upcoming Series 7 (or 67-I can never remember) test that he has been studying over a month for. It is the first of 3 major tests, but he will soon be able to start meeting with clients. He is loving his new job, and I am so proud of him. I think this job really fits him to a T. He will make a great Financial Advisor and has an incredible team to work with who will train and guide him.
I had my second baby shower hosted by Karol and Jamie on August 14th. Several friends from school came, along with a couple of friends from church. Jamie and Karol outdid themselves with the delicious food (the chicken salad, WinnDixie cake, and fruit were so yummy), and Karol had the canvas artwork finished and at the party. Little Nolan got some wonderful gifts and enough GC's to get his car seat. The best part was spending time with friends who are excited about this little boy's arrival.
We finished our last childbirth class last Thursday. I am glad Phil and I took the class, but I am thankful it is over. By the time Thursday night rolled around, we were both exhausted and too tired to go, but we went anyway. We did walk away with a lot of knowledge, less anxiety about the birthing process, and much more in charge of our birthing experience. We've already used a lot of the exercises we learned at home with the mild contractions I have recently been experiencing. Unlike before the class began, I actually believe that I will be giving birth at the end of this 9 months.
Phil has been super dad getting everything ready around the house. He is almost done making the bench seating-it is drying out in the garage right now after its second coat of paint. Nolan's swing, bouncer, bassinet, bookcase, and nursery have been assembled and waiting to be used. The room is finally done and we can't be happier. Now, I just need to get that hospital bag packed for the 2 of us.
AND.....The nursery is finally done!!
AND.....We couldn't be happier with the way it turned out.
AND.....While we love the way everything turned out, we are most excited about the canvas artwork our friend, Karol, did that matches the bedding.
I'm finally 35 weeks pregnant. Down to the final (LONG) stretch. We are excited to be in the 9th month of this journey and hope to spending the remaining weeks relaxing, watching college football, enjoying each other before we become a family of 3, praying for a safe delivery, and anticipating all of the joy and excitement that is to come and putting in the back of our minds all of the sleepless night, crying, and chaos of raising a newborn. So thankful for the opportunity to be parents and that God has given us Nolan to take care of on Earth.