Phil and I made a trip to Atlanta for what turned out to be one of the most special days of our life, to date. Saturday morning started off with some of our closest friends, Jenny and David, doing a maternity photo shoot for Phil and me. Well, Jenny was doing the photography and David was being an excellent assistant rummaging through a bag of blocks to spell baby and Nolan. He did a great job of carrying all the props, too. See, Jenny would never admit it, as she is too humble, but she is quite the photographer. She is often the first of her friends to show up at her friends births, camera in hand and all. I need to quit doting on her, as I know this will embarass her, but I will let the following pictures speak for themselves. And these are just a few of the 148 she took, yes, 148. Since this is my blog and I can say whatever I want to (because she has already revealed the news in real life), she is pregnant, too. Right now, she is about 10-11 weeks along-and I'm hoping baby Nolan and baby Fancher become best buddies in the years to come-despite the 6 hour drive between us, but that hasn't interferred with our friendship with the Fancher's yet, so I don't think it will in the future. While we were having fun taking pictures, my mom, Holly, Lorraine, Jenn,, and Cheryl were back at my mom's house getting ready for my baby shower. To say I felt loved and special on this day is qutie an understatement.

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