*If you're a mom, you are probably impressed.
*If you are anyone else you are probably wondering why these pictures are so important to me, so read on.
Initially, I was going to switch Nolan to formula when I went back to work, but these pictures prove otherwise. While I have no place to judge or tell people how they should feed their child, I felt strongly that my son should be able to be fed as naturally as possible-and since I have the goods to provide I started my new part-time job. Yes, pumping. I am very proud of this stash. I would guess it is about 600 ounces of milk. This doesn't include the other milk I pump that he eats the same day. To say I am worn out is an understatement. I cannot wait for the day I can throw my pump away. But I would have it no other way. Thankfully, Nolan will take breast or bottle (but he prefers nursing). While Nolan will never know what a labor of love this truly is, I know that a bond is being formed between he and I that will last a lifetime. Not to mention, he is building a strong immune system.
So you be the judge, milk maker or part-time job?
Wow!! That is impressive!! Good job mama!! Lila stopped nursing at 6 months, but I wanted her to still have breastmilk, so I exclusively pumped for two whole months. I have a love/hate relationship with my pump!
Great! That is a lot of work. I loved it when I got a mom's extra milk for Townes. If you have some you won't use, maybe you can donate it to another mom. An idea. Love the deep freeze!
Jenn, I plan on using every bit of it, but if I don't, I will NOT throw it away. It will get donated or it will sit in the freezer forever because I won't be able to part with it! On another note, please FB me a message about any ideas for milk. I don't have/know a local farmer to purchase it from-so please send other ideas, links, info., etc.
Girl...I am super impressed!!! Way to go!! I could of nursed an army but couldn't pump to save my life...nursed all 4 of mine for over a year and the last went almost 2...I know you're exhausted, but hang in there...you will not regret it! Now that my 'baby' is almost 5, I miss those days!
That's amazing! I'm impressed. You should think about donating to a milk bank! I know Nolan will need a lot, but it looks like you produce plenty. I'm highly impressed. I donated a lot to a friend with a Down Syndrome baby who's mom had some trouble. It is so rewarding!
Okay, I have more to ask, so I'm just gunna email you!
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