We came home from Best Buy and immediately got it out of the casing and all set up. We've snapped a few pictures and I can honestly say, this is one gadget/gizmo manual I will ACTUALLY read. I promise.
Any tips you have for a novice? I really want to learn to take great pictures.
You will LOVE that camera!!! I bought the T1i last year and it's the thing that I use most everyday by far! The picture quality is fantastic! Canon also has online tutorials that can help you learn different things along with the manual! Have fun!
We can play with it when I'm there in June. I'm a Nikon girl, but I think you'll love this one.
But for now... try to use natural light instead of the flash. Put Nolan by a window or outside in the shade.
Also, read the manual about using "aperture priority mode." Turn the dial to a small number (large shutter opening), this lets in the most light and blurs the background so the focus is on your handsome little man!
Finally, if you get a shot you LOVE... email it to me and I'll do some fancy post processing for you!
Have fun!
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