At 6 months, I'm still nursing and pumping everyday. I'm growing very tired of the pumping. It is going to take a lot of willpower to continue pumping in the summer, but I think the pump is going in the garbage can on August 1st. We are definitely in our groove. I really appreciate routine and Nolan has jumped on board with the family routine.
Speaking of routine. We start everyday with our devotions, followed by work and tutoring. With no breaks in the day, I go from tutoring to getting dinner ready and moving towards spending the evening with Phil and Nolan. We don't do too much. Eat, play, bathe, and watched limited amounts of t.v. But there isn't a minute that Nolan is not being played with. Repeat Monday-Friday (afternoon). Sounds monotonous, but I love my life, my family, and my career.
As I begin to ease up on the nursing and pumping, I hope to devote those precious minutes to running. I'm ready to add about 3 runs a week to my "plate" but right now, I'm trying to find those minutes. Having purchased a jogging stroller should get me motivated!
Nolan, you are our (not so) little man and you bring joy and laughter to us everyday. At 6 months you:
*are sitting up.
*rolling over and pushing up.
*eating sweet potatoes and avocados.
*love being outside.
*sleeping about 9 hours a night.
*still have very dry skin and scratch your head all over.
*are learning the signs for more milk, please, and thank you.
*wearing 9-12 month clothing.
*love your new workbench and crawl ball toys.
*hate when we remove boogers from your nose and become quite wiggly while doing so.
*respond when you hear your name.
*will spend a lot of time in your jumperoo.
*are very unhappy when you have to ride in your car seat.
*sleep half swaddled from your waist down.
*go with the flow.
*are developing a distinct personality: laid back and very social
*are the apple of mommy and daddy's eyes.
1 comment:
Whow, he looks so big sitting up in the front yard. He'll be crawling and pulling up before we know it. Still just love him to pieces.
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