I've been so busy the past few days! Mommy and daddy have had me all over the place. I must admit, I haven't been sleeping that well. Mommy and daddy thought it was because of my teething, but it is really because they had me in hotels, pack-n-plays, and really, I just wanted my own bed. See, I have gotten into this habit of spitting my passy out at night and daddy will come put it back in my mouth. I've been playing this game for about 1 1/2 weeks now. I overheard mommy talking to my Aunt Heather getting some tips and ideas about how to help me sleep through the night again. THEN, I heard mommy tell Ging that this game is now over. I had mommy fooled-she thought it was because of teething, but I was just playing games with them. But, I heard mommy say the game is over. She and daddy will check on me at night, but I have to relearn sleeping all by myself again. Aunt Heather warned mommy that this will probably happen again as I start pulling myself up in the bed. What the heck does that mean? I know mommy will be on the lookout. But I also know she loves me SO much and wants me to be a happy and healthy growing boy-and for that to happen, I know I must sleep well and obey (I don't know what that means yet, but I hear mommy say that word a lot) my parents. Gee, I love them. Now, onto the fun stuff. Here are some pictures from my Easter trip.

Daddy took some fancy pictures of me with my eggs.

I got to meet my cousin Gabe and Aunt Ally & Uncle Chris.

My first family Easter picture.

I got my first Easter basket and daddy help me play with my new toys.

Mommy & Aunt Heather love to be silly together.

I love playing with cousin Ava, we are only 1 month apart. I'm bigger, but she is older.

I love my family!
You may already know this, but spread A LOT of pacis out and maybe he can get to one and get it back in his mouth. If they fall out of the crib, get a breathable bumper to trap them in;-)
My Nolan, you are a smart little boy. Mommy and Daddy will have to stay on their toes to keep up with you. Remember to obey them, because they love you so much and only want the very best for you. They will be your biggest cheerleaders as you grow up. I love you sweet little man.
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